
A Valentine’s Star?


Yes! It’s red, beats slowly like a giant heart and stimulates the heart of one who is spiritually attuned. I first learned about the Valentine's star from Star Gazer:

The niftiest object we can see every Valentine's Day is the bright red star I call the Valentine's Day star because it's at its highest point above the horizon every Valentine's Day night between the hours of 8 and 9 p.m. your local time. It marks the shoulder star of Orion and its name is Betelgeuse.

Betelgeuse changes its size regularly like a gigantic slowly pulsating heart that beats once every 6 years. Now when Betelgeuse is fully contracted at its smallest size it is a whopping 500 times the width of our Sun but when it expands to its biggest size it is almost 900 times as wide.


Betelgeuse, Orion's Valentine Star!

Image: Star Gazer image made with TheSky Astronomy Software

The shoulder star of Orion the Hunter is named Betelgeuse, which most people pronounce beetlejuice, some BET-el-jooz, and others BET-el-jus. This star has an interesting word history.

It is the brightest red star we can see with the naked eye from planet Earth and it reaches its highest point in the nighttime sky at about 8:30pm on Valentine's Day, February 14. Just Look Up and due south!

See Navigating with Orion to locate other stars.

Betelgeuse has no equal in sheer volume or area of influence and emanates a tremendous amount of magnetic force from its fiery heart, which beats regularly! In esoteric writings it is said there are potent and influential forces streaming from this star. Forces that can stimulate the heart center and aid in the service of those who are spiritually attuned. This star is truly your Cosmic Valentine.

Open your heart and spirit to the the qualities of Betelgeuse. Receive your Valentine’s gift! May Valentine's night expand your heart and make your spirit soar to new heights!

Learn how the Valentine’s Star, Betelgeuse, can affect us.


Image: Star Gazer image made with TheSky Astronomy Software

Betelgeuse is an extremely large star, pulsating in approximate size from the equivalent of Mars' orbit, to that of Jupiter's! On Valentine's Day give and receive the biggest Valentine of all, a giant red star, pulsing like a heart full of cosmic love.

Notes: January 2010 an image revealing unprecedented details on the surface of Betelgeuse was released. Full Story

October 2019 Betelgeuse began dimming, by mid-December 2019, the star had faded so much it wasn’t even in the top 20. Full Story Compare a Feb. 2016 photo of the red star to a Jan. 2020 photo in The Fainting of Betelgeuse. Look Up!

BIG time Betelgeuse Valentine fun

World Sound Healing Day
Annually February 14th
Noon your time or ...
Anytime you feel guided on this day

Send a Global Sonic Valentine to Gaia!
Participants, for five minutes, send a sonic
valentine to the Earth with an "AH" sound filled
with the intention of Global Harmonization,
planetary peace and healing during the
Annual World Sound Healing Day.
The “AH Coherence Wave” Guided Meditation
Complimentary MP3 Download (11 min.)
Create Your Own World Sound Healing Event
* * *
Additional Links of Interest
Temple of Sacred Sound
Global Toning Event Via the Internet
12 noon your time or anytime Feb. 14th
One Billion Rising
Valentine's event ending violence against women.


Cosmic Embrace ~ 60 Million Light Years Away

Credit & Copyright: Daniel Verschatse (Antilhue Observatory)

Image Description


As we identify with cosmic love, the guiding force of our universe, we participate in bringing forward humanity’s Divine Destiny ...

A Destiny known within our consciousness and prophesied in the Ancient Wisdom ... A Destiny far greater than any of us have previously imagined ...

Where the Earth becomes a magnetic center, a station of light, a point of great radiance and vitality, beaming out into the Universe.

As we turn on our Love Light within and let it Shine Bright ... our vision will reach the heart center of our Universe and our Divine Destiny will Unfold! Cosmic Love Ball 2/10/06 Event


Happy Valentine's Day!


The History of Valentine's Day

The Myth of Cupid and Psyche

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May your Night Sky traveling always be filled
with Celestial Delights and Treats!
Susan Sun


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Top graphic: Adaptation from "Light 1"
© 2002, Daniel B. Holeman, Awaken Visions