Planetary Treats and Celestial Delights During Leo
For the Northern Hemisphere
July 22 - August 23, 2011

All times are local unless otherwise specified.

Night Sky Visitors ...

My 2011 sabbatical continues. In this abbreviated edition of the Leo Night Sky, I offer the following to keep you looking up and tuned to the wonders above.

Clear skies,
Susan Sun

Look Up!

Planetary and Stellar Treats
Sky Lights ... What's up with the planets and stars?
The Planets ... Is it a planet? What planet is it?

Universe Today ... Search for any planet; learn the latest!
Star Gazer's Show Scripts
... Fun facts about planets and stars
Celestial Delights
Sirius Reappears ~ The Dog Days End
The Sirius ~ Leo Festival
Plus ...

Sky Calendars
Moon Dances 7/1-7/30
Moon Dances 7/30-8/28 Under Construction
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Planetary and Stellar Treats

Sky Lights ~ Leo
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Celestial Delights

Sirius Reappears in the East Just before Sunrise
Sunday, August 7, 2011 - Pacific Time Zone
The Dog Days Come to an End


Sirius Reappears briefly in the morning sky August 7 for observers in the Pacific Time Zone. This brightest star in the heavens has been in the embrace of the Sun for 75 days, hidden from our view. Sirius can be seen rising around 5:40am PDT very low on the southeastern horizon. On this morning it is separated from the Sun by 7 degrees. This heliacal rising of Sirius marks the ending of the Dog Days. Look Up! Each morning after the 7th, Sirius gets easier to see positioned higher above the horizon before sunrise.

Dog Days
What are they? How long do they last?
How did these canicular days affect Egypt?
What is the heliacal rising and setting of Sirius?
What does any of this have to do with the 13 Moon Calendar?

In celebration of our evolutionary link to Sirius and in preparation for becoming the Shining Ones on Earth, I offer this excerpt from the Invocation of Osiris.

I am He who is clothed with the body of flesh yet in whom flames the spirit of the eternal Gods. I am the Lord of Life. I am triumphant over Death, and whosoever partaketh with me shall with me arise. I am the manifester in Matter of Those whose abode is the Invisible. I am the purified. I stand upon the Universe. I am it's Reconciler with the eternal Gods. I am the Perfector of Matter, and without me the Universe is not.

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Sirius ~ Leo Festival
Saturday, August 13 - 11:57am PDT (18:57 UT)
An Artist's Impression of Sirius A and Sirius B


This picture is an artist's impression showing how the binary star system of Sirius A and its diminutive blue companion, Sirius B, might appear to an interstellar visitor. The large, bluish-white star Sirius A dominates the scene, while Sirius B is the small but very hot and blue white-dwarf star on the right.

The two stars revolve around each other every 50 years. White dwarfs are the leftover remnants of stars similar to our Sun. The Sirius system, only 8.6 light-years from Earth, is the fifth closest stellar system known. Sirius B is faint because of its tiny size. Its diameter is only 7,500 miles (about 12 thousand kilometers), slightly smaller than the size of our Earth.

The Sirius system is so close to Earth that most of the familiar constellations would have nearly the same appearance as in our own sky. In this rendition, we see in the background the three bright stars that make up the Summer Triangle: Altair, Deneb, and Vega. Altair is the white dot above Sirius A; Deneb is the dot to the upper right; and Vega lies below Sirius B. But there is one unfamiliar addition to the constellations: our own Sun is the second-magnitude star, shown as a small dot just below and to the right of Sirius A.

The Sirius ~ Leo Festival occurs at the Full Moon during the sign of Leo, on Saturday, August 13 at 11:57am PDT (18:57 UT). This Festival is dedicated to the task of making contact with Sirian force. It is said that all great Avatars and evolutionary energies originate from Sirius, the brightest star in our heavens. The influences of Sirius are focused through Regulus, the heart of the Lion, found in the constellation of Leo. According to the works of Alice Bailey, the Leo-Sirius connection is key to humanity's spiritual evolution and the building of a new unifying world religion. This Sirius ~ Leo Festival offers a great and unique opportunity to become aware of these cosmic energies.

These words from Marianne Williamson capture the essence of the Leo mysteries. "... We are born to make manifest the Glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own Light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others." When Leo is in its strength and power this energy knows and remembers its radiant and shining divine essence shared by all life. Shamanic Astrology 7/03

Leo the Lion ~ Zodiacal Deity

The Sirius ~ Leo Festival Global Meditation.


Way up there,
Where peace remains,
Where silence thunders,
Angels sing.
Imagination and amazing grace
Brings us closer to our home in space.

Verse from: NASA

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