
Moon Dances
For the Northern Hemisphere
July 11 - August 9, 2010

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All times are local unless otherwise specified.


Look Up! The Moon, waxing and waning, impressively promenades across the dark sky, partnering with the sparkling stars and glowing planets. Who is the Moon dancing with tonight?

7/11 ~ A New Lunar Cycle Begins
7/13-16 ~ Luna and the Potent Parade of Planets
7/17-18 ~ First Quarter Luna Stirs the Spirit
7/20-22 ~ Gibbous Luna ~ Scorpius ~ The "Missing Claws"
7/25-26 ~ The Full Moon Conjoins the Head of the Eagle
7/29-31 ~ Late Night Sky Show
8/4-8 ~ The Sirius/Leo Lunar Cycle Ends
Monthly Lunar Highlights
Monthly Sky Calendars +
Cancer Night Sky (6/21-7/22)
Leo Night Sky (7/22-8/22)
The Night Sky ~ Home Page


Current Phase of the Moon

Click on the Moon links for meditative insights and additional information.

moon1.gif (878 bytes) moon6.gif (1327 bytes) moon8.gif (1638 bytes) moon11.gif (1958 bytes) moon15.gif (2185 bytes) moon18.gif (2158 bytes) moon22.gif (1776 bytes) moon25.gif (1351 bytes)
New Waxing Crescent First
Full Waning Gibbous


7 / 11 / 10   7 / 18 / 10   7 / 25 /10   8 / 02 / 10  
12:40pmPDT 3:11amPDT 6:37pmPDT 9:59pmPDT
19:40 UT 10:11 UT 7 / 26 / 10 8 / 03 / 10
    01:37 UT  04:59 UT

Note: When the right side of the Moon is illuminated, the Moon is increasing or waxing. When the left side illuminated, the Moon is decreasing or waning. (Of course, this only works in the Northern Hemisphere. In the Southern Hemisphere the effect is just the opposite!)

Moon and Sun Data
One Specific Day
One Year Table

Rise/Set/Transit Times ~ Major Bodies

UT Time Conversion


A New Lunar Cycle Begins
Total Solar Eclipse ~ The Sirius / Leo New Moon

Sunday, July 11 – 12:40pm PDT (19:40 UT)
Out of Divided Darkness ~ Into the Light of Unity Consciousness


Image: Distant Suns / Adobe Photoshop

* Printable Image *

east–left, west–right, north–top, south–bottom

The New Moon can be thought of as a no Moon! Its sunlit side is facing away from Earth toward the Sun. The side that is facing Earth is not getting any sunlight, leaving it dark and invisible to us ... no Moon to see! A New Moon lies between the Sun and Earth. Helpful Image + Description BTW: The only time a New Moon can be seen is during a solar eclipse, when it passes directly in front of the Sun, visibly showing off part or all of its entire dark disk.

Note: For those living in San Francisco this New Moon takes place overhead just 40 minutes after high noon. The Sun and New Moon are located in the same constellation for other parts of the world; this constellation, in differing time zones, lies in a different location above or below the horizon.


Total Solar Eclipse ~ South Pacific

July 11 the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth and eclipses (hides) the Sun for observers in the South Pacific, including Easter Island and the tip of South America. See this eclipse animation and these maps and information.

This NASA article gives a captivating and informative description of what observers will experience as the Moon blankets the Sun and the day sky turns dark.

Perhaps this may be one of our livelier solar eclipses!

Fast-growing sunspot 1087 is crackling with C-class solar flares. ... This surge in activity comes on the eve of a total eclipse of the sun over the South Pacific. Will eclipse chasers see material blasting away from the sun when the Moon hides the blinding stellar surface? It's a possibility. Stay tuned to for updates and pictures from the path of totality. Space Weather News for July 10, 2010

Did You Know?

A total solar eclipse is produced when the New Moon crosses directly in front of the Sun and is close enough to Earth to appear bigger than the Sun; hence, the Moon when viewed from Earth is able to completely cover our central luminary. In 2010 the Sun, furthest from Earth July 6, appears near its smallest size during this eclipse. In addition the Moon, at its closest for 2010 July 13, appears near its largest size.

The Sun’s diameter, 400 times larger than the Moon’s, is balanced when the Sun is roughly 400 times farther from Earth than the Moon.

BTW: Eclipses tend to come in pairs with solar and lunar complementing each other. The June 26 Full Moon partial lunar eclipse was the first of this eclipse pair. Eclipse Frequency


Reflections ~ Solar Eclipse

A solar eclipse is always a supercharged New Moon that marks new beginnings. A new awareness is being offered to us by our shadow self, the dark void, the infinite unknown. "Eclipses dredge the past, wrinkle the present. ... awaken to the clarity of intuition and this wisdom inherent in the Here and Now." Jacqueline Lasahn This eclipse is a personal and global opportunity and challenge to come into a new balance and level of wholeness. How To Deal With Eclipses

In this Eclipse, the activation of Easter Island will re-activate deep Oceanic energies that have been held there by the ancient Elders of the Planet. ... A goal of this activation is the deep remembrance of Ancient Creative Partnerships with the Oceanic Beings of Light that will begin to resurface in your Collective Deep Consciousness at this time. Many of you will dream of the Oceans and make contact with the Cetaceans and the Beings of the Sea. The Ancient Archetypes and Energies will arise to be integrated into the incoming Cosmic energies of Ascension and Transformation. The result will be a powerful Creative Partnership for the Creation of the New Earth and the Cleansing and Nurturing of the Oceans. The New Earth Energies for July 2010 / Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn

APOD Easter Island Eclipse Photo ~ Eclipse Photo Gallery
Easter Island YouTube Videos: 1:44 mins. ~ 6:01 mins.

This New Moon eclipse is happening during the sign of Cancer (6/21-7/22), when we have the opportunity to build our lighted house.

This Solar Eclipse brings up emotional attachments and memories of the past that may be unsettling. We are called to pay attention to our foundations, the ground we stand on. Cracks in the foundation of security and unresolved emotional wounds are exposed. We are urged to clean house and Let Go. Cancer Solar Eclipse / Jacqueline Lasahn


Reflections ~ The Sirius / Leo New Moon

The Sirius ~ Leo Festival is celebrated at the upcoming Full Moon (7/25) occurring during the Sun sign of Leo (7/22-8/22). This great world Festival and its lunar cycle are dedicated to the task of making contact with the evolutionary forces of Sirius, our Spiritual Sun and brightest star in the heavens. The influences of Sirius are focused and regulated through the star Regulus, the heart of the Lion, found in the constellation Leo. Awareness of the Leo-Sirius connection has a unifying effect on all of humanity and its world religions. During this time soul-infused, focused humanity has the opportunity to align with the greater cosmic energies beyond our solar system.

With every New Moon our soul goes into meditation and aligns with the inspiration of the Nirmanakayas; a potential is enlivened and a seed of consciousness is formed deep within. Take some time to create a sacred space. A new cycle is beginning.


Reflections ~ New Moon,
Gemini Twins, Wasat, Procyon

The New Moon and Sun embrace in the constellation of the Gemini Twins conjoining the star Wasat north of Procyon in Canis Minor. Review the map above.

The Gemini Twins are marked by the two principal stars: Pollux, the immortal extraterrestrial one, and Castor the mortal terrestrial one, the extraterrestrial incarnate. ... The role of the Twins is one of linking and uniting the mission of the soul into and through our incarnate daily affairs and mode of participating in the world. The Twins work hand-in-hand for the betterment and evolutionary fulfillment of humankind. And of course, Gemini is of knowledge, information, and the exchange of it through commerce and daily activity. Nick Fiorenza

It is important to note that Gemini keeps the interplay of energies between dualities active and flowing so that eventually they reach synthesis and unity. The constellation Gemini forms a point of entrance for cosmic energy from Sirius, allowing the Love of Deity (2nd Ray) to pour into our solar system. Culled from Alice Bailey / Esoteric Astrology, pg. 347-349

In the midst of Gemini we find the star Wasat, also known as Delta Gemini. The New Moon solar eclipse conjoins this star north of impressive Procyon.

... Wasat is the middle, the umbilical cord or connecting link between Castor and Pollux. [Image] Wasat is the liaison, the means to bring the pieces together, a link that unites those on Earth with their greater destiny and acts as a catalyst for their evolutionary fulfillment. Wasat is of planning and coordinating, assembling the diversity of parts and personalities into a workable and demonstrable model. Nick Fiorenza

Procyon supports allegiance to a greater cause, purpose, or faction. Procyon inspires us to ally with others or with a group to achieve a greater purpose than we could achieve alone. From: Fire the Grid by Nick Fiorenza


In Summary

The order of our lives is being challenged with this supercharged New Moon. The infinite unknown is offering humanity a new awareness and the evolutionary forces of Sirius are impressing us. An alignment with the Ancient Archetypes and the greater cosmic energies is possible; these potent earthly energies and heavenly powers are beckoning us. We are moving through a doorway of higher unified consciousness. There is no turning back.

It is written in the heavens. The time has come to harmonize dualities by recognizing we all are of divine lineage, evolving toward our greater destiny.

Each of us has an inner divine twin with whom we can intuitively work in daily creative partnership to bring out the best in all. This co-creation establishes the New Earth. Through humanity all things are possible to Deity.

We are being tugged, pulled and lifted out of a divided darkness into the light of unity consciousness.

As my wordsmith friend writes, GEMinI tWINs!

Clarity of Purpose Global Meditation
Celebrating the Sirius ~ Leo Festival
This meditation, which culminates at the
Full Moon in Leo, begins with this New Moon.


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Luna "Marches" Along the Potent Parade of Planets
Tuesday-Friday, July 13-16

Image:© 2010 Sky & Telescope / Sky at a Glance 7/9-17/10
Diagram adapted with Adobe Photoshop

* Printable Image *

The waxing crescent Moon marches along south of the ecliptic [*] day by day. Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Saturn lie much closer to the ecliptic (the plane of the solar system projected onto Earth's sky).
Sky & Telescope diagram

Approximate Set Times
Mercury 9:40pm; Venus 10:45pm;
Mars 11:15pm; Saturn 11:45pm
Moon: 10:00pm; 10:30pm, 11:00pm, 11:30pm

Rise/Set Times ~ Major Bodies
Generate exact times for your area.


As the Moon grows in the light provided by our Sun,
we too grow in the light of our Soul.

Reflections ~ Waxing Crescent Moon,
Parade of Planets

Overcoming obstacles to the new incoming awareness begins with the waxing Crescent Moon. What was conceived at the New Moon, Out of Divided Darkness ~ Into the Light of Unity Consciousness, (review above) is now in the process of waxing or gestating.

It is interesting to note that there is an 8-week (7/11-9/4) meditation focus, Stepping Up Towards Oneness Consciousness, issued by The Global Meditation Focus Group *.

July 13, Tuesday twilight time, a young Moon joins the parade of planets and the star Regulus. Catch a first glimpse of horizon-hugging Mercury, as it rises out of the Sun's glowing embrace to reappear in the evening sky! You'll need right timing and a clear sky and horizon to spot a slim, low Luna left of the elusive planet. Mercury sets at 9:35pm, the Moon at 9:55pm; use binoculars to easily spot the pair. Approximate set times for the other planets can be found under the map.

Mercury is located at the heart of Cancer and the Moon is located in Leo the Lion's den. We are reminded to build our lighted house (Cancer) intuitively guided by the soul's Higher Law (Leo).

Mercury ~ Planetary Treat

July 14, Wednesday evening, the Crescent Moon forms a triangle with blazing Venus and Regulus in the Lion's Den. You may need binoculars to spot Regulus. Can you see the other parade participants?

Regulus, the Lion-Hearted Lawgiver, focuses and regulates the evolutionary energies of Sirius and the Christ consciousness toward Earth. Venus and the Lawgiver stimulate the quality of love-wisdom within humanity. Open to these liberating emanations that grow the light of the soul. Ponder humanity's divine lineage. Namaste!

Venus ~ Planetary Treat

July 15, Thursday evening, Luna's waxing Crescent enlivens Mars in the Lion's Den. Here's another view of the Moon and Mars. 7/15-16 9:15pm Map

Imagine fiery passions giving way to enlightening ideas that lift us out of darkness.

Mars ~ Planetary Treat

July 16, Friday evening, Luna and Saturn march together at the end of the planetary parade. Review map above and this map. How many parade participants can you identify tonight?

Ponder Saturn at the Super Galactic Center. Live from the vital core of your soul rather than from self-importance. Surrender to the greater will of the One Life.

Saturn ~ Planetary Treat


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First Quarter Luna Stirs the Spirit - Saturday/Sunday, July 17/18
Exact First Quarter: July 18, 3:11am PDT (10:11 UT)

Image: EarthSky Graphic adapted with Adobe Photoshop

* Printable Image *

Look for Spica, the brightest star of Virgo the Virgin, near the Moon Saturday evening July 17. The planetary parade can be seen off to the right. Use binoculars to bring out the subtle hues of reddish Mars, yellowish Saturn and bluish Spica. Blazing Venus lacks subtlety and is now soooooo bright it is being mistaken for a UFO!

BTW: Spica and the Moon disappear below the horizon around midnight. From nightfall to midnight binoculars make vivid the terminator line on the Moon.

When you look at the moon in any phase other than full, you are in fact seeing portions of both the day side and night side of the moon. The name for this border between lunar night and day is the terminator line.

If you’re using a telescope or binoculars ... look along the terminator line. There, shadows are causing lunar craters and mountains to stand out in stark relief in contrast to the surrounding plains. This is, after all, the line of lunar sunrise, and in some ways it’s similar to the long shadows we see on Earth at sunrise or sunset.

If you were standing at the location of that line on the moon’s surface, you’d be standing at the edge of day, or night. A similar line on Earth’s surface passes over you each day at sunset and sunrise. But there is one important difference. On the moon, there’s no dusk or dawn, because the moon doesn’t have any air to disperse sunlight, and to create the twilight that we see on Earth. Deborah Byrd / 7/12/10

Note: Look for First Quarter Luna in the day sky on Sunday, low on the eastern horizon around 3:00pm and overhead 7:00pm-8:00pm.

7/17 10pm Sky Chart
View the sky horizon to horizon.
Vary the sky chart's time and date.
Generate Sky Charts for your area.


Reflections ~ First Quarter Moon

The First Quarter Moon, exact Sunday, July 18, at 3:11am PDT (10:11 UT) squares the Sun at a 90-degree angle and brings up a tension, as we struggle for fulfillment. Ideally any obstacles impeding the awareness conceived at the New Moon are overcome at this time.

First Quarter Luna activates Spica and stirs the spirit within. Spica, symbolizing the sacred womb of Virgo the Virgin, accepts and nourishes the seed of Arcturus, the savior avatar. Helpful Star Map This seed of divinity resides in Virgo and therefore within humanity.

The energies of Virgo the Virgin nurture and shield humanity's hidden divinity. To understand this is to recognize the fact that each and every one of us is essentially divine. Honoring and calling forth God's light in all, lifts us out of a divided darkness into the light of unity consciousness. Namaste!

Note: It is interesting that July 17 and 18 are the convergence and launching points for a unity consciousness global meditation. See Conscious Convergence for more information.

You may also want to participate in the 8-week (7/11-9/4) meditation focus, Stepping Up Towards Oneness Consciousness, issued by The Global Meditation Focus Group *.

July 18, Sunday evening, Luna has grown and is now in her waxing Gibbous phase. She lies east of Spica diagonally aligned with the two brightest stars of Libra the Balance. 7/18 Map

Consider the Libran Way, which uses intuition and compassion to balance the pairs of opposites.


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Gibbous Luna ~ Scorpius ~ The "Missing Claws"
Divine Governance: Aldebaran / Antares Axis
Tuesday-Thursday, July 20-22 - Look South

Image: Star Gazer Graphic altered with Adobe Photoshop

* Printable Image *

The two brightest stars of Libra are the "missing claws" of the cosmic Scorpion, Scorpius. The star names Zubeneschamali (zoo-BEN-ess-sha-MAH-lee) and Zubenelgenubi (zoo-BEN-al-je-NEW-bee) in Arabic mean northern claw and southern claw respectively. They date back to a time before the Romans created Libra the Scales, the 12th constellation in the zodiac.

Any night in July and August look for the cosmic Scorpion, a sprawling "J" shaped constellation, in the south at sunset. Antares is the red heart star of Scorpius. Image

Coincidentally a giant red star named Antares is right where his [the Scorpion's] red heart should be. And it is huge. Whereas we could fit over 1 1/2 million of our Earths inside our own Sun, Antares is so huge we could fit over 350 million Suns inside it! In fact if we placed one edge of it where our Sun is it would reach out past the orbits of Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, and Jupiter. Plus it is so far away it takes its light over 520 years to reach us. Wow! Find the scorpion this summer! Star Gazer 2010 Script 7/12-18

Can you spot the Scorpion's "missing claws" (now the constellation Libra) and its two stinger stars, sometimes called cat's eyes? Use binoculars to see M6 and M7 above the stinger. Track Bunny's Footprints in Scorpius throughout the year! What two stars do the Scorpion, Kitty and Bunny have in common?

Note: If you have trouble viewing all the stars that shape these constellations, look again when moonlight doesn't veil them.

BTW: Look east of the Scorpion to spot the teapot-shaped asterism of Sagittarius. At 9:30pm Mercury is setting in the west, while Venus, Mars and Saturn line-up low along the sunset horizon. 7/21 9:30pm Sky Chart


Reflections ~ Waxing Gibbous Moon, Scorpius,
Divine Governance: Aldebaran / Antares Axis

The waxing Gibbous Moon is more than half lit, moving toward its full sunlit phase. Illumination and growth are offered by this lunar phase, only if the obstacles from the past are cleared away. This must happen, if the energy released with the coming Full Moon is to be utilized.

July 20-22, Tuesday-Thursday, Luna transits the cosmic Scorpion and is near Antares, the red heart star of Scorpius July 21.

When the Moon transits the burning ground of Scorpius, it activates the transformative power within us, the Kundalini Fire of Life. Scorpius is the seat of the coiled serpent power and Antares the serpent itself ready to be enlivened. Opposite Antares in the zodiacal wheel lies Aldebaran, the illuminating eye of Taurus the Bull, the star of enlightenment. Antares wields the Fire of God by its connection to Aldebaran. The Aldebaran / Antares axis is activated by the Moon's presence.

Aldebaran emanates a governing vision for humanity, while Antares keeps the enlightened vision of the people current, ensuring growth, evolution and change. This political balancing act keeps expanding our mortal limits, often through conflict that ultimately brings harmony. Compassion and cooperation ease humanity's transition to Divine Governance and its emergence into the light.

... the New Structure for Planetary Management or Governance ... will emerge in the twenty-first century ... [and] represent Divine Government on Earth. [T]here will be two phases to this "project", and that the First Phase is already in operation. In this First Phase, you are being gradually shifted from a Planet of separate national identities based on a money economy, to a Fifth-dimensional Unified Planet based on an Economy of Love, Co-Operation and Sharing. In the First Phase, you will begin to create networks and structures that will express the Fifth-dimensional energy of Oneness and Unconditional Love. Now, as these networks emerge and strengthen, they will begin to take the interest of those in "governments", and in the Second Phase there will be a merging of the functions of various governments into this Planetary or Global network of Love. Heaven and Earth will merge in a very literal way, and what will emerge at the end of this process will be a Unified Planet under the Stewardship of a Council of Elders who will guide the Earth's development in Co-operation with Spirit. The New Earth Rising August 2008 / Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn

Imagine networks of goodwill and understanding growing and strengthening a sense of unity across the globe, healing our nations.


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The Sirius / Leo Full Moon Conjoins the Head of the Eagle
Full Moon Exact:-Sunday, July 25 - 6:37pm PDT (01:37 UT 7/26)

July 25 ~ A Day Out of Time!
July 26 ~ Happy Mayan and Galactic New Year!

Image: Boy Scout Troop 52 Cameron, Wisconsin


July 25 ~ A Day Out of Time!
The last day of the Mayan and Galactic Calendars.
The New Year brings "awakened awareness ...
recurrence of great cycles and great teachers"


Reflections ~ The Sirius / Leo Full Moon

Any Full Moon experience can offer us greater illumination of our essential divinity. Issues worked on since the New Moon come to a climax. If the restrictions of the past have been released during the waxing Moon, then the Full Moon can bring fulfillment. If not, the Full Moon might bring serious mental conflicts, possibly affecting the physical body.

The Full Moon is exact July 25 at 6:37pm PDT (01:37 UT 7/26).

What was conceived at the New Moon, Out of Divided Darkness ~ Into the Light of Unity Consciousness, review above now comes to fruition and is birthed into the full light of our conscious minds.

During the Sirius ~ Leo Festival, the Soul Light within us is ever increasingly aware of the spiritual light emanating from Sirius. This great Sirian light is becoming more available, bringing to us a new opportunity, a new path. The Sirius ~ Leo Festival prepares humanity and in turn planet Earth for perfection and ultimate cosmic service, bringing us into contact with the Heart of God.

Full Moon Global Meditation
Celebrating the Sirius ~ Leo Festival invites you to participate
in the Clarity of Purpose Global Meditation.


Reflections ~ The Full Moon's Position

The Full Moon lies at the western end of Capricornus below Aquila the Eagle.It conjoins Altair, the head and brightest star of Aquila. This star is also the southern point of the Summer Triangle. Use this Summer Triangle Map and this 7/25 11:30pm Star Chart for orientation.

The constellation Capricornus opens the doorway to our divine head center and the immortal life of spirit. It carries the seeds of death for the material life and awakens one to a higher spiritual frequency and its potential earthly expression. Capricornus aligns humanity with a new cycle of effort, initiation and service.

Aquila the Eagle, the royal eagle of Jupiter and the great bird of Zeus, is a messenger from heaven, who leads us to immortality by lifting us to the realms of higher mind and intuition. Aquila and its brightest star Altair soar above the Full Moon symbolizing vision and freedom. In flight Aquila is known to carry mighty thunderbolts in his talons. These can shake one to their core, if one resists the divine message. Listen! Co-create with the inner divine one!

Hmmm ... It is curious that the eagle, a symbol of the United States, has this close relationship in the heavens with the Sirius / Leo Full Moon. May the U.S. be lifted out of divided darkness into the unifying realms of higher mind and guiding intuition.


Reflections ~ Full Moon's Illumination

The Full Moon during Leo is illuminated by the Sun in the constellation Cancer.

Leo stands in a unique relationship to the sun at the heart of our solar system. The planetary and systemic alignment established at this Festival is a heart / soul alignment. The heart of humanity, the heart of the planet ~ the spiritual Hierarchy ~ and the heart of the sun create the channel which extends to Sirius ... This alignment is evocative of the cosmic principle of Love and Freedom, both of which flow through Sirius and Leo into our range of awareness. Lucis Trust website, 2005

Leo the Lion’s highest expression is the fully integrated personality ignited by the fire of Divine Will. The self-awareness gained in Leo opens the door to the group service of Aquarius, which stands opposite Leo in the zodiacal wheel.

Cancer offers the opportunity of the "dark light" of matter to be stimulated by the light of the soul.


In Addition ...

The fifth exact opposition of Saturn and Uranus occurs July 26. The first exact opposition was November 4, 2008 (U.S.Election Day). This lengthy and vital planetary interaction brings about major social, religious and cultural transformations. One must find a balance between Saturn's order, discipline, predictability and Uranus' surprising change and original experience.

Jupiter ... makes a sustained square with Pluto as Jupiter stations at the same time as the fifth Saturn-Uranus opposition of July 26, 2010. This immediately precedes a very powerful and catalyzing Jupiter-Pluto-Saturn T-square peaking on August 16 through August 21, 2010. ... July and August will be intense to say the least, like being shot through a vast stretch in time. However, this opening should be quite catalytic ... Jupiter's arrival on the scene will bring a welcomed movement and expansion toward later 2010; and an emergence from this intensity in early 2011. Nick Fiorenza

Note: During the T-Square peak Jupiter is exactly opposite Saturn 8/16 and Saturn is exactly square Pluto 8/21. August's Jupiter Pluto Saturn Crossbow (T-square)

BTW: Mars becomes a trigger for the crossbow 8/3. On this day Mars is exactly opposite Jupiter and both Jupiter and Mars are exactly square Pluto. 8/9 Venus squares Pluto.

Hmmm ... Pluto's "crossbow arrow" of death insures that an end comes to whatever is holding back the soul's expression.


Also ...

July 27, Tuesday at dusk, Mercury and Regulus form the closest pairing of a planet and a bright star in 2010. Map/Text Mercury messenger of the gods is uniting with the star that regulates the energies flowing from our spiritual Sun, Sirius, on the 2nd day of the Galactic New Year! What message do Mercury and Regulus have for you?


In Summary

The order of our lives is being challenged, as we are tugged, pulled and lifted out of a divided darkness into the light of unity consciousness. This lunar cycle finds us integrating the New Moon's earthly Ancient Archetypes of the Easter Island solar eclipse with the cosmic evolutionary forces of the Sirius ~ Leo Full Moon.

Lengthy and vital planetary interactions are creating cracks in our foundation, the ground we stand on. We must lift ourselves to the higher ground of soul and its guiding intuition. It is here that we can receive the new awareness of the infinite unknown. With the light of the soul we see how to bring these new energies into our everyday lives.

The seeds of death for the current material life are activated and we must awaken to a higher spiritual frequency and its potential earthly expression. Now is the time for the "dark light" of matter to be stimulated by a far greater light.

"I am of the Earth. I am of the Heavens. United I am as ONE." Each of us, essentially divine, can intuitively work with our greater spiritual power. By invoking this power in a daily creative partnership we bring out the best in all. This co-creation establishes the New Earth.

It is written in the heavens. The time has come to recognize we all are of divine lineage, evolving toward our greater destiny. During this Full Moon Festival we make contact with the Sirian force, its evolutionary energies and the cosmic principle of Love and Freedom. We are moving through a doorway of higher unified consciousness. There is no turning back. The heavens are pouring forth new life ... drink up!

Through the stars, Cosmic beings are communicating with us. They are members of the great Spiritual Hierarchy, of which we are a part. We can see, our relationship to these embodied Cosmic lives is as real as our relationship to our fellow beings in the world.

Those great beings are bringing the qualities of Unity, Compassion, Freedom, and Cooperation to our Life and planet Earth. We now affirm our service as a channel for these Cosmic Lives as they guide us ever closer to our Divine Destiny.

Opportunities, choices, and
New ways abound ...
Out of the Chaos
Comes Clarity of Purpose.

Sirius~Leo 2010 Global Meditation

Happy Galactic New Year!


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Late Night Sky Show
Luna and Jupiter ~ A Striking Pair!

Thursday-Saturday, July 29-31 - 11:30pm

Image: Heavens Above / Adobe Photoshop

* Printable Image *

Dated Circles: These represent the approximate position of the waning Gibbous Moon on the given dates at 11:30pm.

The Moon in the vicinity of Jupiter is a visual delight. Look Up!
Moonrises: Near 10:00pm, 10:30pm, 11:00pm
Jupiter rises near 10:45pm
Rise/Set Times ~ Major Bodies
Generate times for your area.

Note: Jupiter and the Moon can be viewed until dawn's early light each following morning. They can be seen halfway to overhead at 2:00am and overhead around 5:00am. 7/30 5:00am Star Chart

Generate Star Charts for Your Area.

Jupiter ~ Planetary Treat During Leo

Fomalhaut rising in the southeast is our southern royal star.
The Summer Triangle lies overhead at 11:30pm.
The Milky Way stretches in a dark sky from the southwest, between J-shaped Scorpius and teapot-shaped Sagittarius, to the northeastern, W or M shaped constellation of Cassiopeia. Look through the Summer Triangle to see the Milky Way overhead.
Scorpius our sprawling cosmic Scorpion has a BIG red heart, missing claws and more. A dark moonless southern sky reveals much about Scorpius. Review highlights of this constellation above.
Find the Teapot east of Scorpius and you find the Archer! Where is his arrow aimed?
The Big Dipper guides us to Polaris our North Star and golden Arcturus the brightest star in Bootes.


Reflections ~ Waning Gibbous Moon,
Jupiter, Uranus, Pisces

Ideally the waning Gibbous Moon is a time that readies us to manifest anew. It brings illumination to the influences of the entire lunar cycle. If not, dis-ease results.

Luna, Jupiter and Uranus are located in Pisces, the constellation of the World Savior. Review map above.

These celestial energies are reminding us of the Christ consciousness, humanity's essential divinity, the awakened heart and soul. Jupiter is brilliant and illuminating in this celestial position, for it is the brightest light in the morning sky and also in the evening sky after Venus sets. The giant planet is ultimately bound to be light for our world, expanding our hearts and minds. The call to humanitarian service is strong with Jupiter in Pisces. In this location Uranus also sheds its light upon our world by surprisingly shifting humanity into a new reality with new visions, freeing us from the outdated, limited form-life. Jupiter in close proximity to Uranus began its 10-month opposition to Saturn in May 2010.

The Jupiter-Uranus synthesis will mobilize, magnify and expand upon the radical changes already occurring in our lives. ... We can however expect a massive and unexpected turn of events that certainly can be of beneficent nature in the long run, even if not appearing so at the onset. ... Jupiter's standoff to Saturn and arrival to join Uranus may catalyze some intense experience. However, Jupiter's arrival is quite welcomed, one that ultimately will yield a very progressive mobilization of long awaited change ... Nick Fiorenza: 2010 New Moon 4/14 Excerpt   

The fifth exact opposition of Saturn and Uranus occurred a few days ago on July 26. The first exact opposition was November 4, 2008 (U.S.Election Day). This lengthy and vital planetary interaction is bringing about major social, religious and cultural transformations. One must find a balance between Saturn's order, discipline, predictability and Uranus' surprising change and original experience.

The energies of Jupiter and Uranus opposite Saturn also interact with Pluto, the agent of death.

Jupiter ... makes a sustained square with Pluto as Jupiter stations [retrograde] at the same time as the fifth Saturn-Uranus opposition of July 26, 2010. This immediately precedes a very powerful and catalyzing Jupiter-Pluto-Saturn T-square peaking on August 16 through August 21, 2010. ... July and August will be intense to say the least, like being shot through a vast stretch in time. However, this opening should be quite catalytic ... Jupiter's arrival on the scene will bring a welcomed movement and expansion toward later 2010; and an emergence from this intensity in early 2011. Nick Fiorenza

Note: During the T-Square peak Jupiter is exactly opposite Saturn 8/16 and Saturn is exactly square Pluto 8/21. August's Jupiter Pluto Saturn Crossbow (T-square)

BTW: Mars becomes a trigger for the crossbow 8/3. On this day Mars is exactly opposite Jupiter and both Jupiter and Mars are exactly square Pluto. 8/9 Venus squares Pluto.

Hmmm ... Pluto's "crossbow arrow" of death insures that an end comes to whatever is holding back the soul's expression.

When the Light of the World, the World Savior, frees humanity from subservience to the form, the darkness of matter ends forever; the Doorway to Paradise opens and new dimensions of reality are experienced.

Note: Above the constellation of Pisces the World Savior lies the Great Square of Pegasus. Review map above. The ancient Babylonians called this square "The Doorway to Paradise." Today astronomers travel through this doorway or "window" to the edge of our Milky Way Galaxy and go beyond to other galaxies!

As if there wasn't enough going on with Jupiter, Uranus, Saturn and Pluto, we also have Mars and Venus forming a shifting sunset triangle with Saturn in the constellation Virgo the Virgin, opposite the constellation Pisces the World Savior. Mars and Saturn are at their closest the evening of July 30, when Jupiter and the Moon are at their closest! Learn more about Virgo's sunset triangle and see sky maps.


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The Sirius/Leo Lunar Cycle Ends

The waning Crescent Moon brings enlightenment at a deep level. It is a time of conscious growth, clarification of values and the surrender to a new future. The Sirius/Leo lunar cycle is ending.

Use this 5am 8/4-6 Map for orientation.
Approximate Moonrises: 12:30am, 1:20am, 2:20am

August 4-6, Wednesday-Friday morning, waning Luna transits Taurus the Bull reminding us that transforming our desires into spiritual aspiration lifts us out of divided darkness into the light of unity consciousness.

Elegant Luna shows off the Pleiades August 4 and Aldebaran August 5. This sparkling dipper-shaped star cluster and reddish star are the shoulder and eye of Taurus the Bull respectively. Constellation Image The Pleiades and Aldebaran bring the light of God (universal mind) into our solar system and into our minds. Through these celestial bodies and humanity God's light descends on Earth.

By August 6, morning Luna lies twixt the horns of Taurus, which embody struggles that are age-old and evolutionary. Luna also aligns with Betelgeuse, a star that stimulates the heart center and aids in the service and struggles of those who are spiritually attuned.

Note: August 6, Friday evening, Venus lies below Saturn and Mercury is at its greatest distance from the Sun. Witness the Shift ~ Be the Shift

August 7, Saturday morning, Sirius reappears briefly in the east just before sunrise.

As the Sirius/Leo lunar cycle ends we continue to deepen and expand humanity's contact with the cosmic forces of Light, Love and Freedom. The heavens are pouring forth these evolutionary energies for a thirsty world. Drink up! Be reborn. Shine on Homo Luminous!

Global Meditations

The Hiroshima World Peace Ceremony takes place Thursday/Friday, August 5/6.

International Forgiveness Day is Sunday, August 8, 2010. Forgiveness ~ Quotes, Insights, Resources


August 9, Monday, a New Moon occurs at 8:08pm PDT (03:08 UT 8/10). Stay tuned for the next edition of Moon Dances.


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with Celestial Delights and Treats!
Susan Sun


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