

2022 Scorpio Festival Global Meditation
Cosmic Freedom Inaugurates Planetary Liberation
Full Moon in Scorpio-Taurus
Tuesday, November 8 at 3:02 am PST / 11:02 UT

Scorpio Festival Meditation
Scorpio Meditation ~ Audio Player
Meditation Focus ~ Overview
2022 Scorpio Meditation Theme
2022 Meditation Theme ~ Annual Cycle
Full Moon Festival
Information Synthesis
Meditation Preparation
Additional Links


Scorpio Festival Global Meditation ~ Audio
Suggested Spiritual Focus for October 26 - November 23


Meditation Focus ~ Overview's Meditation Focus theme for 2022 continues for this Scorpio full moon cycle. On our annual journey, we are exploring Cosmic Freedom Inaugurates Planetary Liberation.

During the 2022 spring festival cycle, we attuned to the inflow of energies through the Spiritual Kingdom and aligned with this focus. Now, as the sun moves through the opposite area of the zodiac, we are endeavoring to assimilate the new energies and to integrate these into our service in the world.

Throughout the current lunar cycle surrounding the full moon during Scorpio, we ask all in our subjective group, according to your inspiration, to utilize the materials presented here as seeds for the daily meditation ritual.

With the cycle's new moon, we attune to our suggested Scorpio focus for contemplation over the month ahead.


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2022 Scorpio Meditation Theme


Cosmically Aligned, We Embrace
The Eternal Rhythm of the Ages,
The Rhythm of the Sages


During this month of the Scorpio full moon lunar cycle, may we take the time to create a sacred space ... as all are asked once again to join in service on the inner planes to assist in bringing balance to the present challenges affecting the world events. Our efforts may serve to allay the increased tensions that threaten human rights and prevent peace in regions and nations, as well as supporting the great call for humanitarian efforts where cataclysms and natural disasters have occurred.

As each light worker calls to bring about reorientation on all those levels, we invoke that all needs be held ih the Light of Scorpio. For in present time, energies are available to address even the greatest difficulties through the Yoga of Synthesis ~ holding all challenges in the light and undertaking them with united purpose.

Focusing on the Oneness of All, it is important to realize that there are systemic and cosmic forces affecting evolution today. From the much greater perspective, recognition of these extraplanetary influences may be helpful in approaching present world crises and the difficult situations everywhere, societal as well as interpersonal.

As the New Group of World Servers, our vision for the Divine Plan includes

The building of a new economic structure whose purpose is to manifest the growth and development of consciousness. This economy will convert all natural resources to the Spiritual betterment of humanity, meeting the common need whenever and wherever it is focused. (1)

This vision will further manifest the Principle of Sharing for all of humanity, as the economic system transforms so as to share the riches of the Spiritual Mind.

As we further explore our relationship with Deity, we may also envision the global economy based on balance and sharing, in which distribution of the world's goods reaches all those in need. Food, fuel, clothing, medical expertise and supplies for everyone in all nations are details of the Plan to be brought about through our dedicated service, as we work together in harmony with Deity.


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2022 Meditation Theme ~ Annual Cycle

The March equinox initiated our journey for the spiritual year, as we share now in yet a higher alignment to Purpose in our service for the annual cycle.

As each individual unit takes responsibility for applying their highest dedication to Purpose, one's life becomes the Path, itself. We may look to the Cosmic Path of Higher Evolution to further understand our connection to the Life More Abundant.

The Masters ... are working at a conscious receptivity or sensitivity to the cosmic astral plane, the source of the spirit or energy of love. There is a fundamental connection between the Hierarchy (the source of expression of love on Earth) and the cosmic astral plane, and it is towards this objective that the Masters work Who choose the Path of Earth Service. (2)

The revealed quality of Synthesis relates largely to the Life aspect, that which enlivens all forms. Synthesis is. (3) This is so, according to the Essential Divinity of all life. Recognizing this truth, we are called to surrender ~ to be the Divine Path through the sacrifice of all that is extraneous.

Becoming the Path itself refers to our construction of the connecting channel between the outer, concrete world and the inner planes of the abstract ideal (4), linking us to the larger, cosmic perspective. This is an outgrowth of the ongoing sacrifice we make in service to the One.

The concept of Being the Path is similarly expressed in the words of the Esoteric Catechism pledge of the disciple, affirming the sacrifice made by the soul: "I am the Cross, I am the Way; I tread upon the work I do." (5)

From the standpoint of our planetary life, at this time in evolution we are inaugurating the third Great Approach, "... which will bring the new revelation, with its realised consequences, of a new heaven and a new earth." (6)


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Scorpio Full Moon Festival

The Light of Scorpio reveals all within us ~ we see our strengths as well as our weaknesses. We know this light, this energy well. We have faced its testing process as we have traveled the great wheel over many cycles. Time and time again we have chosen the way of the Soul. We see that the Light of the Soul has triumphed, and that astral glamours have been dissipated by our work.

We are the great global grid, activated and charged by group meditation and service. We are many minds becoming one mind, we are preparing the way for humanity's next initiation.

With the Light we, Humanity as Lightworkers, penetrate all illusion and can now see the Life for what it is ever more clearly. It is appropriate to ponder whether there is more that we can do, any more that can be lifted to the light. This is our work, this is our service.

The Light of Scorpio calls on us now to face another test. A turning point in the life of humanity is grasped, the Path of Initiation is ours to walk. We see and know within that this higher path brings us into alignment with true spiritual Will.

The world around us cries out for help. The Love of God, in Scorpio, asks us to now face these tests not as individuals but in group. We are asked to demonstrate that united as One we can hold, ground and direct this energy, bringing The Light of Life to all those suffering in our world.


Keep Your Eye on the Eagle
Call Down the Fire
Do Not Look at the Ground
Be Centered in Divinity


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Guidance in preparing for this meditation

If possible, we suggest being in meditation at the exact time of the full moon. If you are unable to do so, choose a time within 12 hours before or after the full moon to participate. Know that we at will also join in this planetary meditation.

Feel free to pause at points in the Meditation, wherever you are naturally inclined, to allow the energy and information to come in and to be at one with the energies invoked.


2022 Scorpio Global Meditation

The Full Moon in Scorpio ~ Taurus
Tuesday, November 8 at 3:02 am PST / 11:02 UT


Scorpio Festival Meditation ~ Audio
Once you have composed yourself for meditation,
clicking on "Play" (the triangle, just under this image) will begin a
spoken version of the meditation below, with pauses interspersed so you
may listen while meditating, uninterrupted. Total guided meditation time is
, followed by a musical interlude, ending with The Great Invocation.

SouledOut's Full Moon in Scorpio~Taurus Meditation ~
may be utilized at any time you're impressed to, during the monthly cycle.

Guided Meditation total time 12:15 ~ Total running time 24:20
Download Scorpio Meditation (mp3 for podcast / archive) ~ Music credit
SouledOut Audio ~ Tips and Troubleshooting


Cosmic Freedom Inaugurates Planetary Liberation

Cosmically Aligned, We Embrace
The Eternal Rhythm of the Ages,
The Rhythm of the Sages


We link up with people of goodwill everywhere, as part of the united group channel through which the spiritual forces can become available. Affirming this channel, "We stand poised, united as One Soul with our Spiritual Hierarchy." We hold the focus.

We visualize and become now the Chalice we have together created, as a grid of light all over the earth connecting the light of every lightworker and each sacred energy vortex. This network serves as a conduit through which the heavenly blessings may flow through every one of us and to the planet Earth.

Once we have achieved this connection ...

We rise to meet the Light. The great gateway that is Scorpio opens wide and light pours into and through us.

We sense, within, new poise and balance, as we approach the tests of Scorpio. This further reorients us to the One Soul ... to prepare for Initiation... to demonstrate greater sensitivity to the Divine Plan and Purpose.

The energy of Scorpio brings recapitulation and reorientation. We are evolving ... achieving the balanced relationship of form to Soul ... and now, of Soul to Monad.

We are consecrating the form aspect, to make it available as a channel for the Divine. Old structures of thought that no longer serve must be dissolved. In their place, Spirit will impress upon us the needed new ways of being for our next steps on our Divine path.

The Angel of the Presence quietly and gracefully appears before us. A being full of radiant light ... we are bathed in this light. In the blaze of glory which emanates from the Divine Presence, we are purified. In this place and space we open to receive a message ~ an impression of how we shall serve.

The jewels of Humanity's spiritual awakening are being shared with us now, as we open to the Monadic Essence of Life Itself.


We Rise
We Know
We Serve


As we emerge from meditation, with focused mind, heart and will, we dynamically intone The Great Invocation, and together we say ...


The Great Invocation

From the point of light within the Mind of God
Let Light stream forth into our minds
Let LIGHT descend on Earth.

From the point of love within the Heart of God
Let Love stream forth into our hearts
May LOVE increase on Earth.

From the center where the Will of God is known
Let purpose guide our wills
The PURPOSE which the masters know and serve.

From the center which we call Humanity
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out
And may it seal the door
where evil dwells.

Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.
Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.
restore the Planet Earth!

- adapted version (8)

We now continue to hold the high space throughout this most auspicious phase of the full moon, an important time to still the mind and maintain inner peace, always a time of spiritual retreat and contact.


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Scorpio Information Synthesis


The Light of Scorpio: The Light of Day

This is the place where three lights meet ~
the light of form, the light of soul, and the light of life.
They meet; they blend; they rise.


The Lighted Way The entire zodiac can be approached and understood from the angle of light ~ the inner light, soul light ~ and its unfolding, increasing radiance is the manifestation of our divine nature. (10)

The New Law of Ancient Dominating Good This divine law is replacing the Ancient Law of Evil Sharing. (11) This law governs the Spiritual Kingdom and in time will also be fully revealed on planet earth.

Scorpio Zodiacal Deity Although veiled in mystery, Scorpio's concerns with sex, death and rebirth all are vehicles of change ~ change of major proportion, where choices must be made between high and low, and between selfish power and the use of that power to bring healing and joy to others.

Scorpio Labor of Hercules The task of Scorpio finds Hercules slaying the nine-headed hydra. As he cut off one head, two more would take its place. Quickly becoming overwhelmed, Hercules recalled his teacher's words, "We rise by kneeling." As he lifted the monster into the air it gradually weakened, separated from its place in the mud and mire of the bog, and eventually died.

Yoga of Synthesis As we focus on the Oneness of All, we are able to express the self in light of the larger perspective and thereby assist in bringing through the Divine Plan and Purpose.

5 Forces Affecting Evolution These cosmic and systemic causes are responsible for the present crisis and difficult situation in the world.

Avatars The Doctrine of the Coming One is linked to the teaching of every great religion.

The Night Sky During each lunar cycle the Moon, waxing and waning, journeys through the zodiac. It partners with and enlivens the sparkling stars and glowing planets along the way. As the Moon grows in the light provided by our Sun, we too grow in the light of our Soul. Moon Phases

This lunar cycle begins Oct. 25, 3:49 am PDT and ends Nov. 23, 2:57 pm PST.
Note: Cycle begins in PDT and ends in PST.

Lunar Cycle Insights: "... we have two Eclipses, a Solar New Moon Eclipse on October 25 and a Total Lunar Blood Moon Eclipse on November 8 ... As this Solar Eclipse falls in the sign of Scorpio, we may find ourselves connecting to a higher level of our soul, understanding ourselves on a deeper level, and peeling back some layers to really reveal a new truth ... With Venus very active at this time ... use this Solar Eclipse energy to expand our hearts, the giving and receiving of love ... think about what we truly value ... Relationships often involve work ... under this Solar Eclipse energy, you may ... want to stay in the work, change how you are approaching the work, or release the work altogether ... efforts you take ... to expand your heart, grow your community, and align more of your values will be tripled ... this Eclipse may also ... help us to sit back, accept, and trust wherever we are being led ... Blood Moon [11/8 Eclipse] can bring transformative endings ... wrapping things up from back in April and May ... when we had the last set of Eclipses ..." Read more by intuitive astrologer, Tanaaz.

In addition, David Nicol offers in depth astrological & spiritual insights in the following link:

Magical & Intense Portal of Change
Will the two eclipses plus multiple converging
astrological factors create dramatic & historic change?

SouledOut suggests using the Sea of Fire Meditation as the inbreath for each new lunar cycle.

Visible planets and night sky October-November 2022
Evenings & Mornings: See red Mars and 2 red stars!
Luna visits 3 planets, a star cluster and bright stars.
2022's 2nd eclipse season has 2 eclipses
Mark your calendars. Look Up!

The Autumn Dipper? A Flying Horse? Time Traveling?
(Dates and links have not been updated.)

Halloween and the Pleiades
(Dates and links have not been updated.)
The Pleiades reign over the hallowed Days of the Dead.
Celebrate the life of the spirit in and out of form!

Intuitive Astrology Forecast November 2022
Highlight: Nov. 8th Full Blood Moon Eclipse
More cosmic and astrological dates are given.
Also see Mars Retrograde (10/30/22-01/12/23)

Total lunar eclipse on November 8, 2022
Full Moon Total Eclipse Exact: Nov. 8, 2:59 am PST
Map: Full Moon Near Mars, Pleiades, Aldebaran

Pluto Return ~ USA 2022-2024

Additional links These readings may be of assistance in your Scorpio meditation focus.


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Preparation for Participation in This Meditation Focus

If possible, we suggest being in meditation at the exact time of the full moon. For this meditation, and as each is able to join the world group at the time of the full moon (Tuesday, November 8 at 3:02 am PST / 11:02 UT), it is suggested to begin meditating earlier so as to be in deep meditation at the exact time, and then continue for as long as you feel compelled.

We at will align for this global meditation at the Scorpio full moon festival. We also encourage utilizing's Global Meditation in group formation at the exact time of the full moon, and whenever possible during this festival's safeguarding cycle.

If you are unable to join us at this time, choose a time within 12 hours before or after to align with these energies and participate in this global meditation.

Prior to your meditation take the needed time to create a sacred space and spiritually align your energies.

Consider what is the appropriate way to join in this meditation ... you may wish to participate in group formation on the physical plane as well as on the inner planes. Whether or not you choose to be "alone" on the physical plane, know you are uniting with many others who also are attuning to the energies available at this Global Festival, and that this group focus creates a powerful channel for our meditation service to be potent and effective.

The Full Moon Festivals Culminate over a Five-Day Period ...

Our meditation focus beginning at the new moon leads into the two days of preparation immediately preceding the full moon. These are to be dedicated to spiritual reflection and detachment from everyday concerns, as each prepares to become a vessel for the energies of light and love they will receive and channel. At this time we hold the attitude of dedication and service, and seek to assume that attitude of receptivity to that which our soul will impart which will make us of spiritual use.

The day of the full moon itself is the day of safeguarding, one of inner peace and silence during which we attempt to contact and consciously hold the energies for the rest of humanity. We will not formulate for ourselves what will happen, nor will we look for results or tangible effects. While one may not observe the exact moment when the moon is full, it's important to find some quiet time to reflect alone or use this opportunity to meditate with others of like mind and focus.

The two succeeding days are called the days of distribution. We now turn the attention outwards, away from ourselves, and our efforts are to pass on the spiritual energies that have been contacted. We assist these spiritual energies, transformed into goodwill, in flowing to where there is greatest need.

We now continue to hold the high space throughout this most auspicious day of the full moon, an important time to still the mind and maintain inner peace, a time of spiritual retreat and contact.

If you wish, feel free to continue use of this meditation for the entire month of the Scorpio full moon cycle.

The Full Moon Cycle We Are Observing ...

From new moon to new moon, Wednesday, October 26 through Wednesday, November 23, 2022.


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Additional links

Scorpio Synthesis Supplementary links for further understanding

7 Ways to Enlightenment There are seven grades of focused intention in meditative work, leading to results of a creative nature. (12)

Fixed Cross The Fixed Cross is a "fusion of four major energies, pouring into our solar system, on to our planet and through humanity." One of its four arms is Scorpio: "of peculiar and specialised potency upon the Path of Discipleship and preparing, with its tests and trials ...." (13)

Transformation~Pluto Pluto, named by many astrologers as ruling planet of the sign Scorpio (14), entered the sign Scorpio in November, 1983, followed by its move through the constellation Scorpio beginning in 1992. The effects of Pluto's transit every 250 years through the Scorpio burning ground are both intense and far-reaching.

Crisis of Criticism During this cycle, consider criticism. Criticism can be based on many things, but is usually rooted in jealousy, thwarted ambitions, or pride of individual intellect. A virulent poison, it eventually damages the one who criticizes, and hurts still more the one who is criticized. (15)

Secret of Creation Through the steadfast pursuit of Divine Identification, the Secret of Creation is revealed.

Time Stands Still Impression regarding the present financial situation, along with resources on sharing

The Lunar Messenger, Scorpio Full Moon (PDF) Circle of Goodwill's commentary for the Scorpio full moon, "Vistas of Wisdom 72: Crises and Development"


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Meditation focus inspired by the collected writings of Alice A. Bailey
©Lucis Publishing Co., 120 Wall St., 24th Floor, New York, NY 10005


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Music credit ~ Scorpio Festival Meditation
"Heaven on Earth" "Sunlight Returns" "Spirit Dancers" and "Land of Oz" from Dream Spiral by Hillary Stagg (Real Music)